
Monday, July 23, 2007

Monthly Unemployment Statement 

The monthly unemployment figures for the Adamsdown ward for the month of June 2007 are as follows:

Male: 199 (down 12)
Female: 49 (down 7)
Total: 248 (down 19)

Source: Cardiff Research Centre


Silver Street Residents Parking 

Following requests from local residents, the Council is proposing to increase the level of Resident Only parking in Silver Street.

The proposals will increase the level of resident only parking to 50% of the available road space.

If you have any comments or queries with regards this proposal then please get in touch.


Improving St Mary Street and High Street 

From 6th August, there will be changes to the use of the roadway in St Mary Street and High Street.

Essentially, general traffic will be prevented from travelling along St Mary Street and High Street, initially for an experimental period. This will apply to St Mary Street, from its junction with Mill Lane, along to and including High Street as far as the junction at Castle Street, in both directions.

Buses, taxis, cyclists and emergency vehicles will be allowed to use the roadway as they do now.

The removal of general vehicles will reduce queuing traffic in the street, improve air quality and provide more predictable journey time for buses. The impact of this experimental phase will be monitored. If the scheme is made permanent, public realm improvements including new wider pavements and public art will be introduced. People will be able to enjoy the experience of shopping and will be encouraged to visit the area.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Roath Community Hall & Penylan Library Development 

Consultative plans for the development of Roath Community Hall and Penylan Library are available for people to see in both the Community Hall and Library from Monday, July 2nd until Friday, July 20th.

At the following times a member of staff will also be available to discuss and assist:-

Roath Community Hall
Thursday - 5th July 2007, 11.00 am to 1.00 p.m.
Wednesday - 11th July 2007, 5.00 to 7.00 p.m.

Penylan Library
Monday - 9th July 2007, 5.00 to 7.00 p.m.
Saturday - 14th July 2007, 10.00 am to 1.00 p.m.

Cllr Nigel Howells, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Parks said “we have developed some exciting plans following discussions with the community for the improvement of the library service in Roath/Penylan. This is another stage in the programme to update and improve Library provision in the City. This has seen new libraries at Splott (STAR) and Grangetown as well as extensive refurbishments at Rhydpennau, Rhiwbina and Ely and later this year Llandaff North and Llanrumney. Of course the new Central Library construction is now well underway. The future looks very bright for our library services.”

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