
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Monthly unemployment statement 

The monthly unemployment figures for the Adamsdown ward for the month of April 2007 are as follows:

Male: 208 (down 6)
Female: 45 (up 3)
Total: 253 (down 3)

Source: Cardiff Research Centre

Monday, May 14, 2007

Recent Planning Applications 

The following planning applications have been submitted to the council:

Application No: 07/00892/C
Received: 23/04/2007
Applicant: Cardiff Community Housing Association, 2 Ocean Way, Ocean Park, Cardiff.
Agent: Grove Associate Architects Ltd, 16 College Glade, Caerleon, Newport, NP18 3TB.
Proposal: Demolition and rebuilding of existing dwelling.
At: 29 Sapphire Street, Adamsdown, Cardiff.

Full details of any particular planning application can be viewed, at City Hall, during normal working hours.

Recent Planning Decisions 

The following planning application has been approved in the Adamsdown ward:

Proposal: Conversion of existing building and new rear annexe to provide 14 apartments
At: 168 Newport Road, Adamsdown, Cardiff

Introduction to Nutrition Course 

Wednesday 23rd May

Spaces are free but limited - so book now!

Learn about the basics of nutrition and food and how it can affect your life in a positive way

This course is run in collaboration with UWIC and is open to all.

For a space on this informative and fun course contact Beth Gamble - 029 20 460899 or by email bethan.gamble@thescarmantrust.org

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