
Monday, September 22, 2008

United Pizza Plus 

On 12th September 2008, the Council's Licensing Sub-Committee refused the late licence application made by United Pizza Plus of 138 Broadway.

The decision of the sub committee is as follows:

The Sub Committee has before it an application for the grant of a Premises Licence from United Pizza Plus, 138 Broadway, Roath, Cardiff, CF24 1NL.

We have listened to all the evidence and submissions and have reread the material again. We have also considered the Licensing Act 2003 the Section 182 Guidance and our own Statement of Licensing Policy.

We have also heard the representations made today by South Wales Police and from a number of Interested Parties represented by a local ward councillor and we have considered all written representations made to us.

In view of the evidence of the police and the first hand evidence we have heard about the problems local residents are experiencing in terms of nuisance and disorder taking place we consider that the application should be refused.


Under 18's Club Night 

On Thursday 25th September 2008 there is an under 18's Club Night at St Germans Church Hall, from 6.30pm to 9.30pm.

As well as DJ Joff, there will be competitions and giveaways.

Entry is free.


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