
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

22 Newport Road 

A Planning Application for an advertisement at Hallinans House, 22 Newport Road was refused by Cardiff Council. The applicant subsequently appealed to the Planning Inspectorate who have dismissed the appeal. Here is the text of the decision letter:

1. I dismiss the appeal.

Reasons and Conclusions
2. Notwithstanding its predominantly commercial setting, this part of the street scene has an impression of orderliness which in part is derived from the general lack of visual clutter, and the clean and simple lines of the tall upright buildings, that also display a degree of uniformity in style and form. The appeal site itself is a prominent and largely blank brick wall with a vertical emphasis that makes a significant contribution to this setting. Whereas the proposed advertisement would sit within the confines of the existing wall, in the context that I have described, and by reason of its horizontal alignment and illumination, it would be a prominent and visually jarring feature that would harmfully disrupt the integrity of the existing building and the street scene. I have had regard to national planning guidance in Technical Advice Note (Wales) 7 Outdoor Advertisement Control, however, in the particular circumstances of this case, I do not considerthat the proposal would be seen as an integral feature of the building, rather, it would result in an incongruous feature that would be overly dominant and intrusive to the detriment of the visual amenities of the area.

Penny Davies


Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Under 18's Club Night 

There will be an Under 18's Club Night on Wednesday 11th March at St Germans Church Hall, from 7pm to 9.30pm.

There's a live R&B band from Bristol, Up To The Minute, a demonstration of Capoeira (Brazilian Martial Art) and all the usual MC/DJ/dance offs.

Admission is FREE.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Free Craft Sessions 

Free Craft Sessions are being held at Adamsdown Resource Centre, 10G Moira Terrace on the 10th, 17th and 31st March 2009 - between 1.30pm and 3.30pm.

Come and try a range of creative activities including painting and stencilling, felt craft, crochet, needlework and clay modelling.

All Welcome.


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